About Lectiones Andreae Sniadeckii – readings of Jedrzej Sniadecki. Biographical study and bibliography of published works, also works about Jedrzej Sniadecki (Jędrzej Śniadecki, 1768-1838), a famous professor of chemistry at the University of Vilnius, Lithuania, inspired us to revitalize a tradition to celebrate his birthday.
The event was very popular within the university community in 19th c. In 2012 the first event of scholarly readings, named “Lectiones Vilnenses Andreae Sniadecki”, was organized
Now it is organized at the same date (30 November) anually. During the Lectiones papers and lecture texts by Sniadecki are read. Preference is given to unpublished and less known works. Texts are read by famous specialist of the field, also by enthusiasts. During the discussions suggestions for the commemoration of a chemical heritage are introduced, the place for next event is voted for. It should have a historical link with the activities of prof. Sniadecki.
The event was started by a lonely enthusiast, and now it became a good practice for historians of chemistry and medicine to meet; each time it attracts community of science history enthusiasts, information is disseminated to reach even wider community.